I call it 'Bold and Brash'


Art Gallery


Daram and Friends: Food Hair

Fun Fact: this's been lingering in my files since around 2021

This one pained me to finish the most. Not because it was hard but because there was so much to add, the shading to every character, little details in the food. That and I had originally done this but deleted the work because it didn't look good. That aside I'm quite pleased with how it came out.

The Forest Witch

This is a piece I originally did for college based around nature. I had huffed too many "NITW" fumes so I made up this character and the story around them on pretty much weightless concepts. Comparing my lineless art from then to now it's like night and day.

There is a full story to this piece too.

Welcome Home

Fun Fact:one of the file names for this is "I see you"

With a hop skip and a jump you're ushered into a colourful, serendipitous piece of fan art for Welcome Home.

I admit the biggest thing that gets me giddy about this drawing is the process and some of the little details (I'd add Eddy and Frank but they're not my favourites). Stuff like the hard ass hell choice of emoji's to add to it that fit the show and have some references, (Apples, hotdogs etc.), alongside the colour palette being straight from the original designs.


If anyone who first saw this was sly enough, you'd notice the emojis used read "B-U-R-N T-H-E A-R-T". I.e. "darken the image for a surprise", this was a lot of fun to do. Not only did I (accidently) exclude Wally from the original but something about this overlayed with the original makes it way creepier than on it's own. Also I enjoyed moving the silly colours and line art of the characters around.


Original Fiction and Fanfic
